
Social Media & Marketing

Social Media and Web Marketing will provide students with the essential knowledge, skills, and tools to assist in running effective, successful online and social media marketing campaigns for businesses. Students will gain a solid understanding of the digital tools and techniques to promote brand visibility and increase traffic flow through search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing and business analytics.

Students will also learn about the social media practices that have emerged from the exponential growth of social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. The program includes real-world training with a work experience placement in the field before graduation.

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MELLA PLUS s.r.o. Robotnícka 61/65, 905 01 Senica IČO: 36 240 281 DIČ: 2020188313 IČ DPH: SK2020188313
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