


  • 3D Modeler
  • Texture Artist
  • Rigging Artist
  • Keyframe Animator
  • 3D VFX Artist
  • Lighting Artist
  • Rendering Artist
  • Production Coordinator
  • Line Producer

Semester 1

Graphic Design

The objective of this semester is to introduce the students to the world of Animation with concepts of drawing. The journey comprises of various art, design and animation techniques and in further understanding the fundamentals of camera actions and movements. At the completion of this semester, a student can accomplish a short movie in traditional animation.

Semester 2

2D Animation

This semester makes students explore their traditional skills in terms of computers and helps understand the digital technology for animation. The student walks through a 2Dimensional Digital technique of creating a cartoon and realistic characters involving anatomy construction, the creation of environments and implementation of the principles involved in Animation.

Semester 3

3D Animation

Special Effects This semester evolves the student to the final outcome by exploring Dynamics and Special Effects in 3D, compiling the movie by editing, mixing and color grading. The final output comprises a 3D short animated film involving the different modules

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MELLA PLUS s.r.o. Robotnícka 61/65, 905 01 Senica IČO: 36 240 281 DIČ: 2020188313 IČ DPH: SK2020188313
© 1993 - 2023 MELLA PLUS s.r.o., Všetky práva vyhradené